The Foreclosure Train Rolls On

The Foreclosure Train Rolls On

When the housing crisis sent the American economy to the brink of disaster in 2008, millions of people lost their homes. The banking system had failed homeowners and their families. New investors soon swept in — mainly private equity firms — promising to do better....

For Sale By Owner

Sometimes we get lucky in love. We find the one we want to live the rest of our lives with. Sometimes we get lucky in real estate. We find the buyer or seller we want to do business with on our own. Sometimes we sell to or buy from relatives or friends. A lot of real...
The Foreclosure Train Rolls On

Prince Did Not Have A Will – Do You

Don’t do your people like Prince did. Leave a will. By Michelle Singletary Columnist At first, when I heard Prince didn’t have a will, I was sad. After all, the iconic singer, whose full name was Prince Rogers Nelson, was ferociously protective of his music and his...

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